Lachlan: *he holds Spike’s hand and runs off into the forest*

Spike: Whoa! Lachlan, I can’t run that fast!

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Spike: Still wanna go on a date?
Julia: Nooo!!!

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Spike: I thought this was a date.
Julia: Nope.

17 67

Sypha: Battlemage
Vi: Brawler
Pike: Cleric
Spike: Rogue

They're called the "Hard Eyes"

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Spike: *joking* But he does have the yummy colours of a ruby...

Lachlan: Wait, what?

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Spike: How is it possible anyway?

Lachlan: Being a fast runner means I need lots of energy!

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Fluttershy: And in dog terms, we’re part of his pack!

Rarity: His pack? Ooh, that sounds so divine!

Applejack: That’s our lil’ Sugardog!

Spike: *happy crying*

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Spike: *thinking: how did I misread Sandbar and Unikitty*

Unikitty: *gasps happily* Yay!! Bestie hug Yona-

Yona: *she jumps up to hug Unikitty, but accidentally squishes her in the process*

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Unikitty: *she does her best to remain confident, but when Spike calls out who will be whose partner, the confidence is suddenly bent*

Spike: ...Silverstream and Gallus, Smolder and Ocellus, Yona and Sandbar...

*guess Unikitty still doesn’t have a partner yet*

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Spike: Yeah I do, bro! Lemme just get the door for a sec. *he opens it to reveal a pony Lachlan hadn’t met before*

Crackle Cosette: Oh, hello there! Is Princess Celestia here?

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Fluttershy: Well, I think he’d like you to spit him out now.

Lachlan: Okay! *PTOOEY!* Sorry bro.

Spike: *drenched in spit* Yuck! Dog drool... it’s still better than that blue slime...

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Spike: YIKES!! *spits green fire in self defence*

Lachlan: *wince* Talk about a sick burn...!

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Twilight Sparkle: Merry Christmas Techno and Candy. Everypony in Ponyville's been on Santa's nice list this year.
Spike: Even Cozy Glow, Santa's given her a jumper based on Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo!
Cozy Glow: And I love it, thanks Santa!

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Diablo:Ahora dime Spike...Eres Diablo o un Simple humano?
Spike:Chinga tu madre!!

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Spike: Even with the power from both the stones and crystals, I don’t think it’ll be enough to defeat Discord and Master Frown...

Lachlan: Well, if push comes to shove, Unikitty and I can rely on friends! *winks at Twilight, hinting towards the Elements of Harmony as a Plan B*

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Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike: Princess Celestia is his mother?!

Twilight: Wow! My mind is officially blown!!

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Spike: She won’t really eat those mice, right?

Lachlan: This is Unikitty! Of course she wouldn’t! *then has a shocked look* ...I’ve been wrong before...

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Spike: Ohh, that’s why it’s funny!

Applejack: Lemme try that, Sugardog!

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Spike: Funny sand? How can sand be funny?

Lachlan: Watch this... *he puts his hands in the soft sand, but nothing happens yet* Twilight, can you get the other girls? I wanna show them too!

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