Cain doodle in progress from House of Mystery and The Sandman.

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'thin pale man in long black clothing' --> very much like Sandman. and he's the one who introduced Sandman to me ages ago and now I'm watching the series and liking it!

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Finished Sandman. I liked the first 6 episodes a lot more than the final 3 episodes with Rose Walker. Overall it’s a very good show.

Also why do Desire and Lucifer hate Dream. I get that Dream is mopey and self centred but is that reason enough to destroy the entire dream realm.

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today: A hibernating bear doesn't like noise, as Spike learns; Touche takes on Moby Dick; the '80s incarnation of a '60s favorite fights space pirates; the origin of the The Sandman.

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I watched the first two episodes of the Sandman. Pretty good first impressions, enjoying it more than Good Omens so far.

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Good morning! Happy Friday!

👀 I'm finally starting my watch of The Sandman.

Have a fantastic day! :)

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so I've been watching the sandman...

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Just want to say I am enjoying the heck out of Sandman.

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Tomei vergonha na cara e comecei a ler Sandman. Esse quadrinho vai morar no meu coração

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If I had to choose my single favorite Sandman cover/design, it would be the original Doll’s House collection by Dave McKean, later used as the cover for Absolute Sandman.

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Okay, Sandman.

From Sandopolis Zone in Sonic 3. This exe views other exes as gods and follows, believes, and worships them as such. He himself is fairly powerful with his staff but will bend his knee to the gods if need to. He believes death is punishment for disobedience

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Ya he terminado de ver The Sandman en Netflix.

Me ha puto encantando, de verdad.

Me ha sorprendido bastante con las pocas expectativas que tenía al respecto, todo un deleite para los lectores y para los nuevos que quieran adentrarse.

La recomiendo mucho.

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Rose Walker from Can you see the striking resemblance to the source material?

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back from travel just in time for sandman.

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Just watched the first episode of Sandman. Sadly... I'm not convinced. I have the feeling they tried to follow the comics very closely, but forgot about the emotions. To me, it felt detached. It's not bad, per se, but it didn't touch me.

Very sad, I was really waiting for this.

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Segundo episódio de visto e continua muito bom. Estão conseguindo equilibrar entre fidelidade aos quadrinhos e novidade. Coríntio, por exemplo, tem um papel maior.

Estou gostando do ator Tom Sturridge como Sandman. Que vozeirão o cara tem.

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Pensando em fazer Spaces no fim de semana pra falar de Sandman.

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Sandman possui a ajuda de 2 criaturas do Sonhar:
Glob e Bruto.
2 pesadelos criados por Morpheus, que passam a servir o novo Sandman.
Além deles, um menino chamado Jed Walker que costuma ser o alvo de diversos pesadelos está sempre presente.

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MISI kantung pasir, John Constantine

Seorang wanita bernama MAD HETTIE mendatangi Constantine utk memperingatkan bhw Sandman tlh kembali. Constantine ga percaya adanya Sandman. Hanya dongeng, katanya. Penasaran, dia riset soal Sandman smp suatu hari Morpheus mendatangi John.

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