From Sandra Boynton: St. Patrick's Day greetings from the entire O'Potamus clan.

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Sandra Boynton: It's not easy to beware the Ides of March when you're not exactly sure what an Ide is.

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Sandra Boynton: Friday the 13th. Don't be a chicken! Superstition is silly! What could possibly go wr

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Daylight Saving begins. Don't forget to throw your clocks out the window so you can get some sleep.

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March 3 was also PANCAKE DAY! And February 17. That's odd. There should be 297 Pancake Days each year.

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March 3 was Wildlife Day. Hug your favorite untamed individual.

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From Sandra Boynton: Whooo will win?

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Sandra Boynton: January 30 is Croissant Day. Ah, oui. Vachement bon.

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January 15 is officially Hat Day. Looking good. Mostly. By Sandra Boynton.

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Happy festival of lights. By

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Labor Day Weekend. Ahhhh.

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