Alhamdulillah, selesai juga lukisan digital karyaku, portrait dari Sayyid Muhammad Alawi al Maliki Al Hasani.
Dilukis menggunakan Tablet Samsung Galaxy Tab A with S-pen dan aplikasi Artflow.

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buku Annisa yang pertama kali dibaca adalah “A untuk Amanda” untuk keperluan blog tour dan giveaway. sebelum ini, aku tidak tahu siapa itu Annisa Ihsani. bercerita tentang Amanda yang suatu ketika mendapat nilai B minus. selengkapnya di blog Bibli:

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Another pose for my Wild Dog Asani. Thinking whether to make multiple stickers or a sticker sheet with all of them.
This one was suggested on Insta.

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Is it a bird? Is it an angel? No it's 'Fly Away with Me' by Brazilian born artist, Vivian Borsani. This mixed media painting (148 x 98 cm) would add beauty and poetry to any room.

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It's a pupper!!
I think I am gonna keep him and name him Asani. Will add more about him later, for now enjoy :)

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シリーズ3冊目!12/24(木)発売リスアニ!「アイドルマスター音楽大全永久保存版Ⅳ」は、まるごと一冊シンデレラ・サウンド大特集!店舗特典はコチラ→ htttp:// …

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Lion in Dublin toy shop! News story beautifully illustrated in 1951 by Vittorio Pisani.

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