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Weekday morning cartoon I watched on Prime Video, Lupin the 3rd Part 4 S1, E9 “Requiem for the Assassins” 🥷🏽🥷🏽🥷🏽🥷🏽
#GregSatMornToon #SaturdayMorningCartoons
Most of You Recall the Original Scooby Doo Cartoon (1969) But Do You Also Recall “A Pup Named Scooby Doo?” (1988-1991)
#ScoobyDoo #Scooby #HannaBarbera #SaturdayMorningCartoons #Cartoons #Nostalgia #ThrowBack #1980s
‘Robin Hood’ is one of my fave Disney films. The anthropomorphic character designs are so damn fun. Those are credited to Ken Anderson. Here are some samples from a great book series on ALL periods of Disney animation called “They Drew What They Pleased”. #SaturdayMorningCartoons
👀 #SaturdayMorningCartoons four fingered art by a four fingered artist: @poplobstar
#SaturdayMorningCartoons today: #BugsBunny's cynical holiday classic; a little Indian boy makes friends with the animals; an '80s #Hulk origin, where's the Gargoyle?; mechanical bugs attack #RIPGilbertGottfried; #EasterYeggs #TheAdventuresofPowWow #TheIncredibleHulk #Aladdin TAS
Any day I watch the news is a day that feels like the apocalypse...
#saturdaymorningcartoons #NewsBreak #currentnews
#SaturdayMorningCartoons today: Butch comes between #TomandJerry; a knockoff T & J have their own violent fun; it's a female Tarzan, and she's blonde; what every '90s teen wanted: to go inside a video game. #TrapHappy #HermanandKatnip #JanaoftheJungle #CaptainNTheGameMaster
Teryx From Dinosaucers.
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#dinosaucers #SaturdayMorning #SaturdayMorningCartoons #AnimeArt #Manga #Otaku
#SaturdayMorningCartoons today: Bugs & Gossamer tangle for the first time; animated Jules Verne with monsters; Daniel-san and Mr. Miyagi's Amazon adventure; another '90s nerd becomes a super hero. #HairSplittingHare #JourneytotheCenteroftheEarth #TheKarateKid #Freakazoid
Today’s Saturday breakfast cartoon from my DVD collection, my wife and I watched The Yogi Bear Show: Season 1, Episode 5
Yogi Bear: Spy Guy 🐻🐻🐻🐻🐻
Snagglepuss: Royal Ruckus 🦁🦁🦁🦁
Yakky Doodle: Foxy Duck 🐤🐤🐤
Weekday morning cartoon, I watched my Blu-Ray of Batman: The Animated Series, S1, E31 “Dreams of Darkness” Batman is in Arkham after being exposed to Scarecrow's fear-gas and must escape before he poisons Gotham’s water supply. 🦇🦇🦇
#GregSatMornToon #SaturdayMorningCartoons
Today’s Saturday breakfast cartoon from my DVD collection, my wife and I watched The Yogi Bear Show: Season 1, Episode 4
Yogi Bear: A Bear Pair 🐻🐻🐻🐻
Snagglepuss: Fraidy-Cat Lion 🦁🦁🦁🦁
Yakky Doodle: Easter Duck 🐤🐤
Weekday morning cartoon I watched on HBO Max The Brave and the Bold S1, E10 “The Eyes of Despero!” Batman joins the last of the Green Lantern Corps, (Guy Gardner, G'nort and Sinestro) to stop Despero from conquering the universe. 🟢🟢🟢🟢
#GregSatMornToon #SaturdayMorningCartoons
#SaturdayMorningCartoons today: two starving vultures turn on each during WWII; the Professor wants that magic bag of tricks; same castaways, new adventure, annoying '70s laugh track; young Theseus takes on the Minotaur. #WhatsBuzzinBuzzard #FelixtheCat #Gilligan #MythicWarriors
Today’s Saturday breakfast cartoon from my collection of DVDs, my wife and I watched The Yogi Bear Show: Season 1, Episode 3 🐻🐻🐻🐻
Gleesome Threesome Yogi Bear
Live and Lion: Snagglepuss
Dog Flight: Yakky Doodle
#SaturdayMorningCartoons this Saturday: the two part #SpeedRacer episode, "The Girl Daredevil," where Trixie gets some competition when Speed comes to the aid of circus girl, Twinkle Banks, who is being blackmailed by a villain into helping steal some Indian gold.
Thundercats, Hooooooo!
Here’s a Lion-O for #junetoontuesday!
#thundercats #saturdaymorningcartoons #cartoons #animation #liono @HaroArtist
Using his stunning cunning Pico found a way to overcome the long range and venomous attacks of his furious foe!! #comicart #cartoonist #cartooning #saturdaymorningcartoons #webcomic
"Those kicks were fast as lightning..!" Catching up with more commissions. #artiste #artist #art #panthro #thundercatsho #panthrocosplay #saturdaymorningcartoons #carldouglas #carldouglaskungfufighting #mixedmedia #commissions