画質 高画質

haii art! mau share hasil commiss kemarin hihi 🥹🥹 ada yg mau berk☁️? 🥺

0 18

main art! yukk, sebenernya ini sempet di share di base sebelah, cuma aku mau liat versi anak anak art hehehe, anw yg disamping versiku~

15 330

I am going to share my latest short comic to my FANBOX and Patreon.
Subscribe if you are interested!
(This is WIP image and English version will be added)


2 10

Selamat siang, ijinkan saya untuh share art! Terbaru🤗, ketik 3 untuk ber☁️☁️

0 1

Malam Art! Mau share tutorial gambar ayam 🐔

15 182

babu! artifacts buat arle bagusnya 2p crimson 2p gladiator atau 4p gladiator ya? share build kalian + hasil dmg nya dong~ thank u 🙌🏻

0 0

Share latest art!

Ada yang mau berkawan?

0 21

Show your OC and say smth about them😌✨

🌿BG3 Tavs, FFXIV characters etc count too!
🌿Likes and RTs appreciated

66 370


As promised, Gundamusume Standees are now available for pre-order! In partnership with

Head over to grab one of these lovely ladies to complement your Gunpla shelf or display your love! 😉🥰

Likes and shares super appreciated! and thanks again for… https://t.co/JpHVRWBGVJ https://t.co/pGy4swHhjb

154 547

Please help RT/share 🌼

Untuk CF18 Booth TKJ H-31 pada hari Sabtu-Minggu.
✿ Periode PO: 23 April 2024 - 2 Mei 2024.
✿ Mail Order dan Pick-Up (tidak ada booking)
✿ Link PO: https://t.co/MdwTcaNmS0

English ver will be after cf!

41 49

Selamat sore artist! izin share doodle punya sender :D

0 7

Share wip art! , sekalian nyari artmoots 👉🏻👈🏻, yuk reply aja 🤗

0 14

Everything is canon so...... meet the Orders of the Mediators!

joke aside. thank you all the Ordo Mediare sisters fans who are also warhammer enjoyers shared me with their theme colored miniatures photos❤️🤍🙏😌 https://t.co/YiaSXGzW4o

888 6839

I've publicly released no swimsuit version for this illustration on my pixiv! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝

I also publicly shared different ver. and the work process on other sources! I hope to post a video in the future, if it'll help someone with lineart/body render https://t.co/hJ6xcJNDHa

155 2789

Haloo aku open art! chibi urgent halfbody only, 65k bg putih ya
No slot ya, yg minat bs komen aja nanti sender samperin

Jika berkenan bisa tolong bantu share ya~

5 22

I'm still evolving since I didnt start getting better heading into 2020. I began to learn the building blocks of my style, something where if you just threw the picture somewhere you would know its me 100%

Art is my life blood and something I can share with the world.

5 51

Haihai sender mau share latest art!

2 167

Art! Sender mau share gambar nder :D ad yg tau siapa?

13 285

Art! Mau share bocil2 nanti nambah bocil lagi ☝️😎 btw ada yg mw berk☁️?

0 15

Oh apparently I never shared this lady before?
A starry royal lady named Queen Helene!

146 963