that's the thing I'm confused on cause these covers are from two different books and kendra's on one but shayera's on the other. kendra is in the 'new golden age' while shayera's in the book that said it takes place in present day.

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they said the book with shayera on the covers takes place in present day though so there's that at least

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the fact that post crisis shayera DESPISED the idea of ever joining the justice league is truly hilarious. people have to realize that what's canon is canon. if shayera herself said she wants nothing to do with the justice league, why would she be apart of the justice league now?

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I think it's the actress for Hawkgirl from the Legends of Tomorrow, but in any case there have been multiple Hawkgirls and she was playing the dark haired Kendra Saunders - not the redheaded Shayera Hol.

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the fact that KENDRA had to stop john cause she felt more sympathy towards her. you'd think people who claim to be shayera stans would want her with a man who actually respects her but nope! even that's a problem for them!

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carter & shayera are BOTH traumatized people who wanted their lovers back which is why they work so well together. it's something they bond over.

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ik people who complain also probably don't read shayera's comics but come on!

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shayera teasing kendra while fighting her

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fernando pasarin's shayera hol is gorgeous

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‘Isn’t Hawkgirl Thanagarian?’, you’re thinking of Shayera, the one used in the Justice League Unlimited series!

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Considering Shayera is with the JSA in Dark Crisis i wouldnt understand why she wouldnt be with them in the ongoing comic.... X-X hope shay is in it.

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Another trade! It's Hawkgirl for Hawkgirl, as Shayera Hol has been traded from the Multiracial delegation to the SWANA/MENA delegation, where she will be Egyptian, in exchange for Kendra Saunders, who joins the Multiracial delegation as Black, Egyptian, and Latina.

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pt 19
C1rcusArch1v3s, FlareDarkness, Gi_shayera and Alwaychangename

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Need someone to do an alien superstar edit with shayera

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Good news. A new animated movie will be made in this format and this story. let's hope this be cool. Although, I'd be a little sad if Hal or John are not there, just like Shayera or

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Shaeyra Hol in Justice League Unlimited my love!! Also gee, Hawkgirl, why do you get two hot human partners?

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Vixen: ...Whenever I start a book or a movie, no matter how bad it is, I just can't stop until I get to the end. So, even though John and I have only been together for a little while... well, I just like to see things through.

Shayera: En garde!
Hunter's Moon

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John Stewart: Was it all a lie?

Shayera Hol: I love you, John. I never lied about that.

Starcrossed part 3

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