Hi Im sile. Heres some pictures i drew :)

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My name is Sile, I'm an australian artist. I enjoy drawing things

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Congrats on the 2k!
My name is Sile, I am australian that just enjoys drawing

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I'm on my phone so can only post one picture reee. My name is Sile, I'm from Australia and I enjoy just drawing things. Sometimes people like my stuff enough to buy it but I enjoy drawing nonetheless

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Hi, My name is sile. I draw things sometimes and sometimes people like them enough to give me money. :D

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Hi, Im sile. I'm a random person from australia that draws things. Sometimes people pay me.

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Audrey morsel of the day bc talking w/ Sile reminded me: I put a lot of my love for archaeology into Audrey. It's why she knows abt trees + its why she gets so excited abt stuff outside of thneedville. She's learned a lot abt the past from old magazines/newspapers she scavenged!

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Hi I'm sile. I'm a Aussie that just draws things and unfortunately can only upload one picture because mobile hates me
Question: anyone else enjoy HP Lovecraft? If so what is your favourite story by him or what is your favourite movie or game inspired by his works?

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My name is Sile. I'm a 26 year old. I enjoy drawing stuff

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A redesighn of my Thadeus Sile bc I reaaally couldnt stand his prev. outfits. Hopefully this looks better!

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Back to the im workin on heres Thadeus Sile. Still figuring him out for now Im thinking switching him to Brunett.

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You got me, sile💜 but my girl down here noticed something 🤣🤣📩📩📩⤵️

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Hi, my name is Sile and im a manga artist. I am stretching out into OCs and recreating manga scenes in colour. Somw of these are WIP

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Umm im sile. I draw weeb things. I am part potato. I mainly use twitter but just opened a instagram (same name)

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OneUnity 5に出演決定!


■1部/Dj style

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You go and come back, without where or when, just come back, you, with your fucking bag of dreams in one hand, stopping time, dislodging routines, bringing the universe where you spend, you say with your eyes what your mouth is sile… https://t.co/QVBrlwRtQy

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