No new screen just being bit and bobs so here some new art

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Finally a new palette piece! Mitch in blue

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Mitch is going through a lot, New Skytown Pages all this Summer!

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Happy (belated) Mother's Day from Alice and her boys.

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Not too sure if ill be using this

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Not a screen but some new art

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I haven't drawn a baby Charlie in a long time! He was a popular request tonight

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From first concept to what i hope is the final design

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Going to make it so you can only wall jump on walls like this

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What a game with out spikes? mostly being working on little things

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not draw anything for a bit so here some Sophie art

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Anyone who know me will know i love my Box puzzles

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This week new screen trying to make everything as colourful as i can

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new screen finally happy with this still bit and bobs to do

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A closer at combat in Forwards Dash Attack

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A closer at combat in Basic in air kick

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Been working on this area how it coming along?

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