Seeing Snowguard fan art is such a thrill.
Thank you for embracing Amka and everything she represents.
If I see cosplay in 2019 I don't know if I'll be able to handle it.

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For the CHAMPIONS ANNUAL arriving in December, I'm co-writing it with . We'll be focusing in on SNOWGUARD, our new Canadian superhero.

It's a sweeping 30 page story drawn by as we dig into Amka's past, her powers, and the mythic side of the North!

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Quick sketch of my new favourite Marvel character, Snowguard!

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Meet Snowguard, ADA Amka Aliyak, an Inuk teen and new superhero who will appear in June! , who assisted in Snowguard's creation, says "To see a young [Inuk] woman fighting for her community is the kind of story that needs to be told."

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