Marvel's has been pushed to Oct. 12 from Sept. 21.

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Star Wars: Visions Gets Emmy Nomination for Outstanding Short Form Animation Program -

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...un vagabond solitaire parcourt la Bordure Extérieure. Au mépris des édits impériaux, le Rōnin n’hésite pas à arborer une lame très particulière. Son nom n’est connu de personne et nul ne sait ce qu’il recherche...

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In a revised solicit, Marvel clarifies that will be in grey tones, with color used for lightsabers, blasts. The issue is, as of this tweet, due out Sept. 21.

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to najlepsze co spotkało tę markę od zakupu przez Disneya. Ostatni Jedi i Łotr 1 to bardzo dobre filmy, jednak nawet one uginają się przed kreatywnością, pasją i miłością jaką zawiera ta antologia do świata Star Wars.

O reszcie produkcji nawet nie wspominam.

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Morning sketch - a Lop of action

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Capa de Star Wars: Visions, nova HQ da Marvel Comics que continua a história Ronin de Star Wars: Visions

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Test drawing of Lop as the Little Mermaid. But really, she's already a Disney princess IMO

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Portada del primer número de la próxima serie de cómic de la editorial Marvel que saldrá en USA en septiembre. Takashi Okazaki, uno de los talentos detrás de "The Duel", escribirá y dibujará una nueva historia con el Ronín

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Marvel previews its upcoming comics
- interior pages from and
- interiors from Obi-Wan
- a look ahead at September, including the comic

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Happy Birthday, Neil Patrick Harris
For Disney, he hosted the California Screamin' attraction at
He also made guest appearances in Take Two with and
Additionally, he voiced Moyo in and Karre in

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Lop & Wicket - re-post, but did some color adjustment and added some noise

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