Final Fantasy XVI comes out Summer 2023, some real heat coming out next year!

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E vamos de ver a Ada salvando o Leon pela quadragésima vez

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live ja ja às 18h com handcam surpresa comendinho algo inusitado enquanto eu avalio as comidas do chat e também vamos assistir o com os anúncios de joguinhos!

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No people, Expecting to see an Silent Hill announcement during PlayStation's State of Play isn't keeping your expectations low🤦‍♂️

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Not me repeating to myself:"THE LEGACY OF THE CRYSTALS HAS SHAPED OUR HISTORY FOR LONG ENOUGH" because today could be the day🙏

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We’ve been low-key for a while but we have a good reason why! Coming up this week: our thoughts on after a week of having it and updates!

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5 days until the next State of Play.

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Are we actually going to get a decent State of Play this time? I hope so because all of the state of plays up until this point have been so underwhelming.

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I cannot wait to bump off Dementors in only to see them reappear more powerful thanks to the Nemesis System. ♟➡️ 👑

Seriously, we need the Nemesis mechanic in this game!


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Entre les artworks et les images du jeu, l’univers de est sublime !

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Quidditch, quidditch, quidditch! 🧹(sort of…)

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meu deus eu quero muito perder meu dia todo fazendo poçãozinha

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Pollitos 🐤!
Vemos y comentamos juntos el de en el dedicado al juego (también veremos quién gana la porra y se lleva una copia del juego).


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Official gameplay for ‘HOGWARTS LEGACY’ will be revealed during today’s

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Hoy hay un centrado en Durará 20 minutos de los cuales 14 serán imágenes del juego. El hype por ver el mundo mágico vivo en un videojuego es muy grande ✨

🕙22:00 PM 🇪🇸 (península)

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BREAKING NEWS : OUI OUI OUI, Un nouveau consacré à Hogwarts Legacy : L’Héritage de Poudlard s'annonce pour le jeudi 17 mars à 22h00

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Capcom could’ve won the gaming industry with a remake announcement. Instead… we got ‘Anthem with dinosaurs and a redhead’ AKA.


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è il nuovo capitolo della serie Valkyrie Profile atteso su Playstation 5, Playstation 4 e PC nel corso del 2022!

🔱Per saperne di più:

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