“ Be crumbled.
So wild flowers will come
up where you are
You have been stony for too many years.
Try something different.
Surrender “

- Rumi .

art by .

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🐩: ya hacía tiempo que no estaba aquí... es bueno estar de vuelta,los extrañé mucho y me guardado solo para ustedes-guaf!

👤: así es... Pestonya Shortcake Wanko está de vuelta, veremos si le dan mucho amor

🐊: es un gusto tenerla de vuelta Pestonya-san

8 37

Her mouth trembled, “Did you bring my baby boy?”

“Theon could not come,” Asha had to tell her. “Father sent him reaving along the Stony Shore.” Lady Alannys had naught to say to that. She only nodded slowly, yet it was plain to see how deep her daughter’s words had cut her.

17 206

Spring gift for everyone in need of cute and kind things

52 103

He can be so innocent sometimes 😭😭

46 336

코로나를 겪은 성숙한 시민으로서의 나: 이 시국에 사탕키스같은 게 말이 되는가
오타쿠로서의 나: YES

18 56

also last scene doodle with rhodey

5 33

Early Art Break - tagging onto theme tonight

“Mayan Red Queen”
By ItstonyArt

Concept art - depiction of what the powerful Red Queen (tomb discovered 1994)

3 14

Rdy to go on an adventure with onigiri stony

14 138

The moth uses 2 separate textures. 1 defines the body & wing back, and the other defines the brighter stuff, like eyes, glowing abdomen, and (in all but the stony skins) the underwings. The moths can also come with or without sparkle effects...

3 33

Post-battle "we're okay" kiss 💋

28 137

I think he firmly falls in the "and some fell on stony ground" category of lost causes

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It's the buckynat pose but I used it for eruri since AoT aired again after a year of waiting but it did horribly (🥲) it's okay tho bc I made it stony core (love eruri but stony is just nonstop burr)

34 173

토냐님의 한국어 방송 환영합니다♡

3 35