Super sonic & burning blaze, I quite like the designs of these 2 characters especially in their super forms, I will continue to explore more the digital drawing

2 5

Good luck to everyone! And here's Homura + Superform

0 5

I really like the design and color scheme. And nice job on the super form, it's very unique. But I think the highlights would look better if they were blue instead of green.
7/10 on normal 8/10 on Superform

0 0

It's finally done, it took a lot of work this few days, so it would mean a lot to me if you share this with your friends goodbye i will keep drawing fanart. i will call him

11 61

I prefer Shadow's superform to be white and red instead of the normal gold. It looks better on him and sets him apart from Sonic and Silver.

36 177

今日の夕方、Tatianaと彼女のお姉ちゃんでマネージャーでもあるPaulaとトラックウォーク。自分は富士歩くのは初めてかも…雨も降っていてめっちゃ寒かった🥶明日は晴れ☀️しまって行こう‼️ Enjoy driving the super formula tomorrow👍

67 642

Me: "Oh, this Irish the Hedgehog is so cool, I wann draw it !"
Brain: "Make him super !"
Me: "No ! Let's draw him normal"
Brain: "Look how you did his quills"
Me: "No !"
Brain: "Looks quite Suuuuupeeeer to me ! :D"
Me: "Well sh*t..."

4 12

1965 Superformance GT40 🖤

© by Patrick Ernzen, Desert-Motors

173 682

フリー走行、38号車石浦選手8番手、39号車坪井選手17番手でした。午後からはいよいよ決勝!応援よろしくお願いします! !

11 58


16 90


14 88

赤旗の原因は可夢偉だった_| ̄|○ il||li

1 2

JAFMate10月号では、10月に鈴鹿サーキットで行われる の見どころを紹介✨
イラスト=#垂井ひろし さん

18 44


配布のNEWステッカー絵柄は39号車リアウイング外側右のイラスト✨ 他も配布準備しています☆ぜひ記念にお持ち帰りくださいね 🏁🧡

PITガレージ 17、18でお待ちしています🧡

7 50

🧡17:00〜17:30 kidsピットウォークの予定です。


PITガレージ 17、18に是非お越しくださいね🧡

4 45