Regardez Batman avec Batgirl & Batwoman, Superman & Supergirl, Wolverine / Logan & Wolverine / Laura, Thor Odinson & Thor Foster, les Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell vs. Monica ou Carol)…

13 134

Supergirl, Raio Negro e o Caçador de Marte possuem um cameo na quarta edição de EARTH-PRIME!

Outros heróis que aparecem são XS, Impulso, Batwoman, os Átomos (Ray e Ryan), Arqueira Verde e os Gaviões.

15 126

I’m not the first one to find this one, but this type of dialogue resembles quite closely a talk between Superman, Supergirl, and Superboy in Superman: Grounded (specifically from Superman

11 57


Con AMOR, siempre mirando a las viñetas, es historia en y si hoy Green Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Canary son muy queridos es gracias al CW.

¡Recuerden: de tan solo un arquero, nació un MULTIVERSO!

98 780

🔥 Aquagirl, Donald Troy, Klarienne, Robin, Supergirl, Kid Quick, Raven... découvrez les biographies des personnages de Earth-11 à retrouver dans la mini-série Multiversity : Teen Justice de


4 10

Manhunter, Donna Troy, Batwoman, Supergirl, Lois Lane 🙏🙏🙏

1 16

Superman Family: Superman, Supergirl, Superboy, Steel, and Power Girl 🙂

I got nothing new (I'm drawing new stuff tho hehe) so here's a repost 😅

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Supergirl, Krypto, and Streaky the Super Cat

A day late and a dollar short, but happy Superman Day!

1 5

🏳️‍⚧️ Das telinhas para os quadrinhos!

A Sonhadora, heroína criada na série será finalmente introduzida oficialmente ao Universo DC em "Superman: Son of Kal-El"

, que interpretou a personagem, escreve a história junto de .

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🪐 Nia Nal, a personagem de Nicole Maines em Supergirl, agora é canon nas histórias em quadrinhos! Ela fará sua primeira aparição em "Superman - Son of Kal-El

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A personagem Sonhadora, de Nicole Maines, que apareceu pela primeira vez na série se juntará ao Superman Jon Kent na edição de Superman: Son of Kal-El!

Arte de Travis Moore.

18 246

Nia Nal, aka Dreamer, une super héroïne trans qu'on a pu découvrir dans la série Supergirl, fera ses débuts dans les comics dans l'issue 13 de Superman Son of Kal-El. Elle sera écrite par Nicole Maines, l'actrice également trans qui la joue dans la série, ainsi que Tom Taylor.

9 33

The Flash was sent with Earth-One Supergirl, Parallax Hal Jordan and New Earth to prevent the death of the Multiverse!

3 6

PowerGirl illustration I did for a friend who is a fan of the character, and much stronger than Supergirl, enjoy the character!.

1 4

TV show *specifically* the season 5 & 6 suit.

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Kid Quick—the Future State Flash—and their fellow heroes Supergirl, Robin, Aquagirl, Klarienne the Witch Girl, and Troy take center stage in a miniseries that rocks Earth-11 to its core!

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It's official! The South Asian delegation and Kara Zor-El, AKA Supergirl, have reached terms, and she will be joining the delegation at a final offer amount of $135!

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The Next character up in the has been nominated by the White delegation. Kara Zor-El, AKA Supergirl, is stepping into the free agent pool!

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