President of the John Scott Martin is joining us in the gallery at 2.30pm today to share his sketchbooks! 📓 🎨 :
You'll find John Scott Martin's print 'Gulls Over the Swale' (37 x 37cm, £525) within the exhibition which closes tomorrow ⛵

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in 2009
An adult Tufted Puffin found on the Swale near Faversham, Kent - the first record for Britain & the second documented occurrence in Europe.
Read the full account at

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United Kingdom 🇬🇧 ✨


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As I'm up at it seems only right to post this (aka and as they often wheel about the tussocky moorland up here. Just this there were more of them.

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(drawn by MariusWales)
Blair and Beulah Baxter

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I have been inspired to record my local landscape near the North during the past year. It is surrounded by habitats designated for their wildlife value. The is a Marine Conservation Zone & soon the largest solar panel site in the UK will be built here

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(drawn by MariusWales)
Blair and Beulah Baxter

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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿: No puedes escapar y lo sabes. Estás aquí por mí, estás vivo por mí; nadie te va a ayudar, solo nos tienes a nosotros

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la letra pequeña de una época. Textos, indumentaria, gestos, velas... ¿Qué se esconde realmente tras las escenas del pintor de Reymerswale, expuestas en el hasta el 13 de junio?

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➤ En "Marinus: Pintor de Reymerswale, llas cinco obras del Prado han sido restauradas en el taller del museo para la exposición a partir de 2018 y ahora se presentan juntas por primera vez al público.
🧶 /FIN

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El ha inaugurado la exposición "Marinus: Pintor de Reymerswale"🧑‍🎨. El participa con el préstamo de 8 monedas.

¿Sabías que una de ellas aparece representada en el cuadro "El cambista y su mujer"? Exactamente, cuatro excelentes de los Reyes Católicos.

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