I can't forget the first time I played, but it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, my child.

Goodbye, my friends.

It's the ending.

초오옹굥햬ㅅ쭈썌뉸 뷴운들 햫상 으응우어언햪네댜 즤지먀쎄요. 녀휘넌 요륜겨 몬뉠쯰잉?

10 17




3 3

The sky game should be fair and beautiful, and we should not be polluted by national hatred. 😢😢We should know the truth: who first broke the neutrality of the game and caused the dispute?

29 74

We are willing to share splendid Chinese culture with gamers all over the world, but our culture shouldn’t be robbed by Koreans. We are also not willing to break down the friendship between Chinese and Koreans for a hat. We merely want to protect our culture.

28 62

The origin of the dispute was that South Korean netizens described the inspiration from Chinese culture and the lack of a clear ownership of the game hat as their own.

132 262




12 11

why korean are so mean.😭😭😭
they start first and blame us for telling them the truth!RESPECT HISTORY!😭😭😭😭

3 4

In the case that Koreans took the lead in provocation, tgc did it entirely to calm the dispute between the two countries. tgc hoped to integrate all cultures in the world and let players feel the charm of culture in a virtual world.

16 34




9 11




12 14




8 9

I really understand how the people in the painting feel, how sad they are, how angry they are.We like to communicate with others about our culture, but just to communicate,doesn't mean you can appropriating it! My heart is really broken🥺🥺🥺

16 50

It is a great honor for Korean friends to like our culture, but if we steal our culture, the thief will call out to catch the thief. As a friend of Korea, China, how sad we must be😭😭💔

112 439

We respect the setting of the game, the producer of the game and every player, but we can't tolerate the behavior of confusing history and reversing right and wrong😔

17 56

This is the story about the hat Please help us😭😭😭#TGC_for_equality

146 340

I'm really sad. We support the spread of Chinese culture, but we didn't expect that thieves would steal our culture😭😭😭

33 123

【TGC hasn't said anything yet】:
Korean players: This is must be our Korean hat!
【After clarifies the design was inspired by Chinese Ming style “big hat”】:
ALSO KOREAN: The Sky Kingdom won't say which culture to dress up!

26 97

Chinese traditional clothing is diverse and inclusive, exquisite and has a long history. Welcome foreign friends to experience the beauty of China's diverse culture! !

335 1003

we protect our traditional culture. take away your things instead of stealing Chinese culture and claiming ours is yours. we respect your original things plz don't touch our culture.

90 326