i regret to inform you that I wasn't a big gaty fan... until today

3 23

Two in a Teapot :D


1 4

// spoilers

i'll be normal in a day just let me get the black hole content out of my system

191 615

What’s this? The second TPOT post of the day? Preposterous! It hasn’t been a day yet-

2 6

// tpot 2 spoilers maybe

td doodle . drawing gaty next

13 35

// TPOT spoilers
I rushed this thing lol
The kys "edit" is from @/.trulyl1z from tiktok

22 107

spoilers for tpot 2?

the girl ever

7 26

wow i love winner so much

6 23

FINNALLY YESSS (i haven't watched it yet) YIPPEE

4 12

Here’s a Drawing of Team Death P.A.C.T. Again before TPOT 2 comes out!!!

8 46

불지옥 자체 리뷰이벤트합니다><
칭찬만 받고 싶어서 하는 이벤트이므로 5점 리뷰만 받아요! 양해 부탁 드립니다+_+
>cutepotpot2.com<으로 리뷰를 캡쳐해서 보내 주세요! 추첨을 통해 10분께 문화상품권 1만원씩 선물해 드립니다^0^
참여수가 적을 시에는 선착순으로 하겠습니다🥰

96 98

Idk if this is even accurate or at least if I'm ever satisfied with this but I'm just gonna leave it here.

3 31

uh so like,,, I tried animating and drawing Two like @.Foekoe (not pinging them cuz this is shit) and uUUHHH I should've probs used AfterFX lmfao-
plus I don't have a drawing tablet so no pen pressure :(((
(if that's a tag????)

29 163