Re-designed two crops for very quickly, now moving forward towards prototyping since we have all the illustration assets needed. Hopefully playtesting mechromancers in Tabletopia soon, and pushing forward with

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Boardgame designer in Brasil, one of the coordinators, prototype event that takes place on the Tabletopia platform. We'll have playtests of 21 prototypes designed by Brazilian authors during online in the coming days.

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Tonight on MvA - Shelfie Stacker on Tabletopia! 9:30ET/6:30PT - don't miss it!

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公式がデジタル版をTabletopiaとTabletop Simulatorに無償公開してるので気になる人はチェック。


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The Cold War Bundle Includes:

Squarriors The Card Game - Spring
Squarriors Spring Trade Paperback (STCG Variant)

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Argent: The Consortium by is on Tabletopia!
It is a cutthroat worker-placement/engine-building game.

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Fleet by is available for play on Tabletopia!
It is an award-winning strategic card based game.

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The Gallerist by and is now available on Tabletopia!

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