Chucks learns about their future in the latest STACCATO page! Check out this w/ art by & edits by words by me!

Read for free at the 🔗👇

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Ataccaccast, The Hateful Nightmare, Forgotten Beast

"In the Age of Myth, a huge, one eyed stegosaurid began roaming the depths of world, The Everseeing Land. It's head was knobby, the body bloated and stretched with deadly dust producing scales. Beware, should you dig too deep."

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The Fool? But what could this mean? Check out the new STACCATO page tomorrow morning. 🔗👇

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Presenting the 3rd and final chapter of the Aleatoric Orchestra!

Aleatoric Brass includes thousands of effects as well as multisampled articulations (staccato, marcato, power sustains, etc)

The Aleatoric Brass Orchestra is available now for $40!

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shattered staccato on the brain tonight

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When you finish the new Chainsaw Man chapter, check out the STACCATO. updates Tuesdays. and I are right in the middle of ch4 🔗👇

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One of my favorite pages of STACCATO down by . STACCATO is a based on 🔗👇 pls like & share. 🖤

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"Che cos'è un abbraccio?"

Un abbraccio
è staccare un pezzo di te
per donarlo all'altro,
affinchè possa continuare
il proprio cammino meno soli.
~ Pablo Neruda -

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Palazzo Angeli. sede della sezione distaccata dell’Università di Ferrara

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Hotacca Ohqullaさん()に描いて頂いちゃった(^^)

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New STACCATO day. Where Glenn Graverod discusses a healthy lifestyle. STACCATO is a inspired by the Art by words by me w/ edits by Alli Cramer Read at 🔗👇 retweets appreciated

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New page for the STACCATO adventure Santa Carla Twilight. 🔗👇

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