It's and we have a special discount on 's Luna Sol Tarot *just* for our blog readers! Plus, we reveal the Two of Cups and share some other fun news. Check it out:

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Six of Cups: Though each card reads differently, one symbolising natural pleasures and the other childhood nostalgia, they both seem to resonate given the current summer holidays. Sometimes the simple pleasures of youth, such as smelling fl…

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Six of Cups: Though each card reads differently, one symbolising natural pleasures and the other childhood nostalgia, they both seem to resonate given the current summer holidays. Sometimes the simple pleasures of youth, such as smelling fl…

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Happy Today we're revealing the 7 of Disks from 's Time to focus your energy and invest in things that will bring not quick wins, but long-term rewards...

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It's and we're revealing The Hanged One from 's

This is a card of surrender and sacrifice - perhaps it's time to let go of something...

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Five of Swords: This card represents 'hollow victories'. Sometimes when you go up against others it causes such repercussions that it wasn't worth the fight despite the apparent win. Picking your battles is key in this respect and to also n…

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Happy May Day everyone! And it's also meaning a new reveal from 's Luna Sol Tarot deck. The High Priestess represents wisdom, intuition and understanding. Watch this space for a blog post that delves deeper into the meaning of this beautiful card!

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It's and that means a new reveal from 's Luna Sol Tarot! This week, it's the 7 of Cups. Keep an eye out for out blog post detailing the meaning of this card!

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We're excited to reveal yet another card from 's Luna Sol Tarot; this time it's the Major Arcana card Temperance. This is a card of balance, moderation, patience, purpose and meaning.

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It's Last week we revealed the Strength card from 's Luna Sol Tarot. Today we offer a glimpse of his with the Ace of Wands. This card symbolises explosive creativity, fiery willpower & passion.

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Delighted to reveal what lies within ’s Luna Sol And what more apt card to begin with than Luna Sol’s 11 of the Strength. Later this week we look forward to sharing reflections on the inner realms of on Liminal 11's blog.

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We’re starting our recurring feature next week: Make sure you follow us for a chance to get a reading!

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