Out there supporting my team with my alien friend, Pwaridoet.

for the win!

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This is the most logical reason I can think of.🤣

25 130

;;Agus ayer con todas las Margus y los de la Frodoneta ❤️‍🩹

139 510

Teamates watching Ame head to the kitchen with a box of eggs

20 182

Aliens are real! I’ve seen them in salmon run!!

24 145

Mentre a Montevarchi (Arezzo) ritorna il Varchi Comics con la sua 12à Edizione, il 25 e 26 Marzo, presso lo Spazio Politeama e Stanze Ulivieri, con Cosplay, esibizioni e forum Marvel, Stand di gadget e non solo per una fiera che merita di essere vissuta


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Week until splatfest so I’ll just leave this here 🫢

5 20

weren't aliens supposed to come today...... thursday... march 23 2023........?

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