Finished this at last. The session it happened in was like, several months ago, at this point.
Note: he missed.

0 7

Okay THIS is the ogre gloves for real this time.

0 7

Fake screenshot that I only just realizes almost would fit nicely with the scene we're playing like... right now. This moment.

0 4

"Do you remember standing on a broken field
White crippled wings beating the sky
The harbingers of war with their nature revealed
And our chances flowing by."

0 3

"And then we're caught up in the arms race,
an involuntary addiction
And we're shedding every value our mothers taught
So will you please show me your real face
Draw the line in the horizon
Cos I only need your name to call the reasons why I fought."

0 3

(which we're apparently meant to call now) is the gift that keeps on giving.

0 5

Inked this while I said I was asleep but hey, it's only for another thirty minutes.

1 5

"Watch as our fire rages, our hearts are never tame."

0 2

WIP fake!screenshot, because this is almost certainly gonna end up being a fake screenshot now.
It might not, though. We'll see.

0 5

“I'll fight for you, I'll find the truth
Looking for a way out
Can you see the line now
In the darkest hour, I'll see this through
Looking for a way out.”

0 2