Thin Man tries to put the Lady to bed after a bit too much drinking.
just wanted to use that quote and draw drunk lady ;p

16 241

Part of my LN school au. I wanted to do a shot of the Lady's back tattoo and decided I wasn't going to wait for my own comics to catch up. enjoy

18 244

The chaotic sleeper and the determined cuddler. Some things don't change

kinda but just kids napping together

59 477

A quest wanders the halls, wondering where the Maw's hostess has disappeared too, only to hear soft, desperately muffled noises.
By how tightly she holds him, their time is together is rare and precious. This is not a place for them and leave the lovers be.

18 235

the whole piece is actually kinda serious and sweet but this is what everyone is going to be looking at any way so thin man's ass might as well be the preview.
Thinlady piece up on

5 92

inspired by adorable comic cause I just wanted the thin man to have a happy ending... and push my ship

48 524

small thinlady doodle up on
certain guests on the maw get special treatment

2 67

TW minor gore
I love the idea that Mono/Thin Man keeps the cycle going on purpose, just so he can see her again.
And in doing so, she can't help but hurt him all over again to serve herself.
a selfish cycle 🖤

47 459

The idea spontaneously arose at night. Initially, everything was supposed to be black and white, but I changed my mind.

-"You look much better without this mask..."

101 913

The lady is not responsible for what she says while horny.
always a fan of the "more embarrassed by affection than full on fucking" character trope.

49 717

second of three smut pieces
Husband found out Japanese spider crabs use their freakishly long legs to trap female crabs until they're ready to mate and joked that's how the thin man bangs the lady
so we called this piece "crab cage"
she can barely stay up

35 498

everyone commenting about how big I did thin man makes me think of this
shut up and take your damn pants off

44 637

first of 3 posts of just going at it
just fueling my own enjoyment really

38 528

doodle before work
When you draw ship art of two crusty old monster people and people try to argue it's pedo because they were once children.

22 442

Adults being idiots (Mostly Six) ft. Mono, and Six and RCG (Raine)
(simple coloring :D)

54 450

My friend and I are writing a fan fiction about these two...well, I really liked this moment.

36 252