Head of a Philosopher, Giandomenico Tiepolo, between 1758 and 1764

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Man Leaning against a Horse, 1757 https://t.co/RuZmtPIlJp

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Mercury, from Mercury Exhorting Aeneas to Leave Carthage, 1757 https://t.co/vErtvJVII5

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"Coram Deo" (latin for "in the presence of God") is a reinterpretation of "The Banquet of Cleopatra" by Baroque painter Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. A divine figure of sublime stature stands centrepiece, a golden sphere hovering above the palm of his hand. (1/2)

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Man Leaning against a Horse, 1757 https://t.co/LKv93Y56IF

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Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, Caricature of a Seated Man with a Book and a Cane, 1760 (?) https://t.co/7GxxClQdro

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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, The Baptism of Christ (with Three Angels Attending Him), ca. 1770–90 https://t.co/HrwzivarUp

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[Inspired by "Bacchus and Ariadne" by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo🍇✨]

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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, Caricature of Two Women Seen From Behind, late 18th century https://t.co/UdOaETr3fa

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