An Even Vaster Waste Land? - Featured on the cover Forbes, May 24, 1982. For sale on the website and in the shop. 😍

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Is there ever a time when Uncle Sam doesn't want taxes? Plan your retirement.

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Owning a business can sometime feel like being in a rollercoaster. Hopefully with the right people and tools in place, it will be a fun ride.

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Created in 1997 for Commcorp (Equipment Financing) advertisement. The original is for sale and the art is for lease. Contact Us.

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Please don't pollute clean water by pouring out garbage. It might look nice but am pretty sure we don't want rainbow colors in clean water. The original is for sale, the image is for lease.

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State of the State was published in the fall of 1989 in an unknown publication. Original is for sale. Contact me for more information.

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Created and published for National Lampoon in 1979. There are two more pieces but due to adult content, can't post. I have the tear sheet. This originals are for sale if you want to see more of this series contact me.

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Good Morning! If you can, with a mask, enjoy the sunshine, the flower and hopefully a beautiful day.

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My Dad was the artist who died in 2017. I am in the construction industry but now am trying to sell his art. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Follow me and I will follow you.

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Thankfully there is video conferencing on Zoom. This art could be used to advertise Zoom's service.

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I like abstract work for the colors and shapes.

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Birds singing on Sunday morning, nice way to start the day.

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Before cell phones when an emergency call came, we dropped the phone and ran to help.

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I guess music lessons could have paid off, if I paid attention.

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