Finished up the Dawnblade Warlock. Had fun with this one, tried some different colours.

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This is what the menu is looking like right now. Been working on it all week!

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Hey this is the new animation when you sell a witch! heeheehee

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Finished with Kim's summoning animations, time to move to Suzu!

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We added new fire effects for the fire witches!

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Just finished this for the TinyWars art contest :D

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Released MAJOR UPDATES to this game. Would appreciate any feedback/reviews. Come and play our fun project!

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TinyWars Story is about to begin! Get ready to play Chapter 1 when it's released!

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This was the winning entry from our TinyWars Fan Art Contest!

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Hmmm I don't know what to think of this... ????

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Let's get down to business, to defend the towers ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ !!

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Screenshots from the TinyWars music beta which can be downloaded here:

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