In a couple of hours these 2 will go to the winning bidders.


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We currently have 4 auctions live for

These 3 just started and will run for 24hrs.

A couple are WETH bid auctions and one is declining ETH.

GL Y’all!

2 2

Hi are about finding and supporting youth artists in their journey towards web3. We would love to join the


0 0

Some people look for the next blue chip.

Others are creating the next blue chip.


2 2

I’m in the office this morning to build more JSON files so I can keep minting this week and found that I had already done some of the work that is needed!

0 4

In case you haven’t figured it out, at least for now, these are my gm & gn


3 7

GM everyone and happy Launch Day!

We are officially asking you to start bidding on our First Draft

See our pinned tweet for the full story and come see us in Discord:

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Please come see us in Discord as we launch the First Draft today!

1 4

The Story

( aka Why a 42 year old man started drawing cute toads that have a boat for a mouth)


0 3

GM everyone!

Since gas is low I am starting mint some of initial The OpenSea collection is filling up!

2 3

I realized last night that I am less than a week away from finally launching these initial

It made it hard to go to sleep knowing that I am the only thing standing between them and freedom.

Nov 19 will be a full moon so hedge your crypto and buy an NFT

0 4

Our initial drop will consist of these 9

Known as 0-7

I know the maths are wanky but there is a 6.69 just before 7 that the community voted to include.

Launching soon……

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