Free Art Chance drawing for whom wanted their fursona to be transformed by eating an apple

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Commission for A-Toony-Cat's character Elastibanda whom TFed into a hippo, and is pretty much stuck in the doorway. It has been a while since I contributed to ;

Thanks for commissioning me.

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I am a bit low on ideas for personal art, but decided to do a Goodra TF of my superhero fursona

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random transfurmation drawings I made at 3am

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Free art chance drawing for who wanted her fursona transformed into a Lugia

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But I don't want to wear this maid outfit...

I guess a part two to a Braixen TF I did

( )

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We start off the month with a / submission of Hypr transforming into a Meerkat. I think he is quite apprehensive about this transformation.

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Commission for of their Deeryote character transforming into a mouse,

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Desenho que fiz ontem, fiz uma transfurmation com goo 👀

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Free art drawing for who wanted their human character transforming into their dragon character.

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Been a while since I did a but Hypr mid tf into a miltank I don't think he is too happy about this...

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This was one thing I wanted to do for a while for Hypr basically runs off while Spir transforms into a macro dragon, also in time for

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Commission for of their fursona transforming into a snake

Thanks for commissioning me.

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Commission for of his kobold character Koizumi Kobold fully transformed into his cow character Koko

Thanks for commissioning me ^^

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Time for another good idea bad idea featuring / (Unnamed Cybunny character) also in time for I don't think the Cybunny is too happy that Hypr is transforming into a large goodra.

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Commission for He wanted to use his tail to transform Hypr into a plushy,

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Poor Hypr, he is transforming into a braixen cat hybrid for I don't think he really likes this

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This was on my to do list for a while, do a giraffe tf of Hypr... I think he needs new clothes...

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Commission for character Elaine Toon her superhero fursona meeting mine. Unsure if I should hashtag and

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