Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun, and Klaus von Reinherz, Zapp Renfro. Basically any character designed by Yasuhiro Nightow

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Hay buenos ejemplos, uno de ellos sería Knives de Trigun, el contexto del mundo de su obra y todo su trasfondo justifica bien su ideología, de paso sus ideales al contrastar con los del protagonista abren paso a que se creen debates muy interesantes y por supuesto un buen (+)

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Pretty sure everyone from my era will at least have Inuyasha lmao. I would also put Samurai Champloo, Trigun, Ghost in the Shell, Pokemon, Digimon...list goes on

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What if they become rabbits....

Trigun, the battle for cabbage!

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Berserk,trigun, stardust crusaders, and phantom blood ovas also look nice

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I feel lonely going into dead fandoms of series like: Ergo Proxy, Trigun, Paranoia Agent, Mogeko castle, etc. Because practically most of my followers are from the HK fandom or nobody knows those series :''3 TnT
:''D x'D

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4. Top 3 animes:

Trigun, Death Parade anddddddddddddd DOROHEDORO!!!!

✨Trigun has a speical place in my heart as it's one of the first animes I super watched! 👀

✨Death Parade is just really good and a stand out!


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Yasuhiro Nightow (Trigun, Blood Blockade Battlefront) got one of his first breaks drawing a Samurai Shodown one shot. He was later asked to design Youkai Kusaregedo for Samurai Shodown V.

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For just the briefest of moments, my sleepy brain thought the third one was Milly from Trigun, and I was wondering when she went blonde...

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☠️Name: Sal
☠️Pronouns: Them/They
☠️Sign: Virgo
☠️3 Games: Fallout, Final Fantasy, Minecraft
☠️3 Movies: Moulin Rouge, POTC, The Hobbit
☠️3 Shows: Supernatural, Trigun, FMA: Brotherhood

I am just tired, yo.

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Ahora que me termine el manga de Trigun,he pensado leer estos mangas,pero para ser honesto no se por cual empezar.

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No sé porque no he visto noticias en Twitter sobre la nueva adaptación de es uno de los animes que lo miré doblado al español (¿latino?) espero que tenga una voz Igual de carismática

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Bueno hoy es miércoles de recomendar Trigun, vean Trigun un anime de solo 26 episodios animado por el estudio MadHouse en el año 1998, cuenta con grandes personajes y buenos mensajes.

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So I've found that if I tried restricting my selections to anime that started serializing EXACTLY when I turned 12 on april 3 1998

I discovered I got quite the selections lol
1st to serialize was exactly on the 3rd too

Shout outs to Trigun, Outlaw Star & 3 month later Lain!

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Rewatched Trigun, here are my initial findings

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E pra comemorar o especial/finale da serie de reacts de Trigun, eu fiz esse pequeno presente para


Obrigado por me apresentar esse anime e por sempre me fazer rachar a cara de rir, Rik, adoro seu trabalho!

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New one this time !
Inspired also by Borderlands, Trigun, Ratchet & Clank & Mad Max

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Let's start tweeting !
One of my last illustration from March, really love to sketch ( a loooooot) but on learning to do cool illustrations too (Inspired by Borderlands, Trigun, Ratchet & Clank, Mad Max stuff)!

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