OMG Trump just said:
"The authority of the President is total."
Tyrant Trump who
👉🏿tells states to get their own supplies.
👉🏿said he's America's "cheerleader."
👉🏿is Dictator Donald Tyrant Trump!
The CNN reporters know Trump is dangerous to democracy!

2376 6941

Así miles de miembros de la tripulación del Portaaviones Teodore Roosevelt despidieron a su Capitán destituido por defender sus vidas.”No estamos en guerra” afirmó.

Los genocidas de Washington desprecian las vidas de sus ciudadanos y de los venezolanos.
¡No a la guerra de Trump!

1759 1367

Art is a great antidote for the poisonous policies and lies of Trump! Check out my artwork at:

3 7

Check out this new toon by on

Comment your thoughts below and subscribe to for more toons today!

85 221


68 1243

Boooo Trump! Thanks for the goofy idea Esteban Silva! Please share cartoons

48 101

Close encounters of the third kind.
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object... or, onomatopoeically speaking, GRETRUMP!

0 2

Los tambores de guerra suenan así: ¡Trump! ¡Trump! ¡Trump!

Publicado en

55 162

Thanks to you, ‘Don’t Do That, Donald! is now 32% funded - which means another brick to
Can we build it all before he visits the UK? Every pledge counts!

6 16

Amazing that you can stand with a straight face and call someone else a liar when you have been lying for every time you open your big mouth! Are you really an actual lawyer? You have the ethics of an slimy earthworm! But then again, so does Trump!

1 0

I think Space Force is a BRILLIANT idea Mr Trump!

0 1

The ended up being fake like everything else that springs from Trump: his mouth, his wealth, his "tan", the who ALONE could do it.

From this point forward there's no such thing as the -- it's just

288 503

RAFT OF THE TRUMP! "F* off you tired, you poor, you huddled masses yearning to breathe free..."

1 3

President of the United States of America.
Donald Trump!!!!

3 6