
At a you’ll hear more-lies
than anywhere else on earth

Feast your eyes on a true -eyesore
-Diapers—encase his—girth

See MAGA sheep being—milked
The—poor giving to a—crook

Trump’s rally will probably cost some their lives
He won’t care how many lives he—took

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If Trump’s not held—accountable
Expect one more 👉attack

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And of course, everyone’s favorite on Trump’s legacy continued through Don Jr., and a post-election epilogue on Trump’s presidency and the sorest loser of our time

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There isn’t a more pitiful excuse for a man than

Trump implied his dad was part of JFK’s assassination and called his wife ugly, yet Teddy continues to be Trump’s obedient little lapdog.

Groveling is so pathetic and weak.

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Donald Trump’s Parting Gift to the People of St. Croix: The Reopening of One of America’s Largest Oil Refineries
Environmentalists say Trump’s EPA bent rules to speed its restart.

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The CIA and other intelligence agencies say Putin tried to interfere with our election to get Trump re-elected. That shocks no one as two of Trump’s top officials including Rudy Giuliani met with Putin’s top aid accused of orchestrating the efforts.

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☠️EVIL never stands—alone

Enablers give assistance

Willam Barr AG

Gave Trump the -crook no -resistance

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Trump’s legacy 👇

(P.S., please listen to Carmen & wear a mask)

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In the latest installment of Barry Blitt’s Kvetchbook, attorneys get a sneak peak at Donald Trump’s taxes. https://t.co/KAevLrc1Bi

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Although is—guilty as—sin

-Crooked Republicans won’t

All were victimized by Trump’s

He -aimed a-mob at the Capitol & hoped they would—die

Then 👉martial-law would be-evoked

& Biden’s victory ....👉fraudulently-revoked

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Happy last day of Trump’s presidency, I made a drawing for him ✨

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Cartoon from 2018. Everyone knew where Trump’s rhetoric and conduct could lead.

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This graphic is from 2018. Everyone knew what Trump’s rhetoric could lead to.

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Both and must be removed from office for their role in fueling Trump’s seditious conspiracy and inciting the failed coup and insurrection on 1/6/21. They failed to honor their oath to defend our constitution. Their rhetoric caused death and destruction.

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