Twilight: So you might as well get going, little Pap smear.

Unikitty: *gasp* Mom!!

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Twilight: Yes, you. Why would you think that you’re not my favourite dog?

Lachlan: I guess I’m just doubtful about myself.

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Twilight: *giggle* You’re not the only one who can ‘play dead’!

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Twilight: *whispers in Unikitty’s ear*

Unikitty: Pttf! Hahahahaha!! For real?!

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twilight: ateez or oneus

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Kinda reminds me of Mentally Advanced Twilight, how she hated anyone and everyone, except for Applejack and Rarity lol

Twilight: "Rainbow Dash, I am a alcoholic."

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the new linked universe update in a nutshell

Twilight: *dying*
Wild: "remember son, dying is gay"

but in a very wholesome way

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Twilight: Silence!! I don’t want to hear another word from you! If it were up to me, I’d banish you from Equestria right now and save it a whole lot of trouble!

*everypony gasps*

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Twilight: Do you realise that you nearly killed us?! I have had it with you, dingo!!

Rarity: Twilight! Calm down, he’s just a puppy!

Twilight: He’s not a puppy! He’s a monster, a menace, a complete danger to Equestria!

Lachlan: *voice breaking* Sorry, Twilight…! I just- uh…

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(Lachlan Dingo movie sad scene - Fight in the Forest)

Lachlan: I’m so sorry guys, I messed up the plan.

Rainbow Dash: Forget about that, are you okay?

*the others comfort him*

Twilight: Oh, you have really done it now!

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this is not TwiYor but it totally fits

Twilight: “You’re still calling me ‘Loid’ even in bed?”

🫠🫠🫠 lordy

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Applejack: What is it, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: Lachlan says he’s hearing a noise, but I can’t hear anything.

Twilight: *ahem* Besides me talking?

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Twilight: That’s just it! As long as he remains with you, he’s in danger! So it’s up to you!

Rainbow Dash: Why me?!

Twilight: Well… b-because he won’t listen to me!

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Twilight: And another thing… sooner or later, Lachlan will meet Lord Tirek!

*Tirek’s laugh echoes in her mind*

Rarity: Lord Tirek?!

Rainbow Dash: What’s he got against the pup?

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Twilight: Girls, you’ve got to be serious about this!

Applejack: Aw, there’s no need to worry, Twi!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I’ll take care of him!

Twilight: Yes, like you did when he crashed into the ocean(!)

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And now, an obscure Jungle Book reference. (Thread)

Twilight: Girls, we can’t be friends with that dingo.

Fluttershy: Why not, Twilight?

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Pinkie Pie: Me too! *sniff* Enough of these tears, let’s-

Twilight: *comically steals Pinkie’s thunder* LET’S PARTY!!

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Twilight: *HURK!*

Spike: Ugh, me and my big mouth!

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