the new linked universe update in a nutshell

Twilight: *dying*
Wild: "remember son, dying is gay"

but in a very wholesome way

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Twilight: Silence!! I don’t want to hear another word from you! If it were up to me, I’d banish you from Equestria right now and save it a whole lot of trouble!

*everypony gasps*

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Twilight: Do you realise that you nearly killed us?! I have had it with you, dingo!!

Rarity: Twilight! Calm down, he’s just a puppy!

Twilight: He’s not a puppy! He’s a monster, a menace, a complete danger to Equestria!

Lachlan: *voice breaking* Sorry, Twilight…! I just- uh…

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(Lachlan Dingo movie sad scene - Fight in the Forest)

Lachlan: I’m so sorry guys, I messed up the plan.

Rainbow Dash: Forget about that, are you okay?

*the others comfort him*

Twilight: Oh, you have really done it now!

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this is not TwiYor but it totally fits

Twilight: “You’re still calling me ‘Loid’ even in bed?”

🫠🫠🫠 lordy

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Applejack: What is it, Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: Lachlan says he’s hearing a noise, but I can’t hear anything.

Twilight: *ahem* Besides me talking?

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Twilight: That’s just it! As long as he remains with you, he’s in danger! So it’s up to you!

Rainbow Dash: Why me?!

Twilight: Well… b-because he won’t listen to me!

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Twilight: And another thing… sooner or later, Lachlan will meet Lord Tirek!

*Tirek’s laugh echoes in her mind*

Rarity: Lord Tirek?!

Rainbow Dash: What’s he got against the pup?

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Twilight: Girls, you’ve got to be serious about this!

Applejack: Aw, there’s no need to worry, Twi!

Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I’ll take care of him!

Twilight: Yes, like you did when he crashed into the ocean(!)

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And now, an obscure Jungle Book reference. (Thread)

Twilight: Girls, we can’t be friends with that dingo.

Fluttershy: Why not, Twilight?

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Pinkie Pie: Me too! *sniff* Enough of these tears, let’s-

Twilight: *comically steals Pinkie’s thunder* LET’S PARTY!!

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Twilight: *HURK!*

Spike: Ugh, me and my big mouth!

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Twilight: *pulls Master Frown’s face off* Lachlan~! *whistle* Wanna play fetch?

Lachlan: *bark bark!!*

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*Lachlan runs past them*

Twilight: *gasp* No… Equestria’s not perfect without him!

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Unikitty: I didn’t see me… I am-

Twilight: *growls* Easily forgotten, we get it!! *she covered her mouth in shock*

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Twilight: N-Nothing! I swear!

Lachlan: Twilight… I’ve been nothing but nice to you, I’ve supported you, helped you and even put faith in you when you were helping us out of danger. I’m not like those dingoes in the past… why is it that the only one who can’t see that is you?

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Twilight: And we sure do a good job of that, especially Lachlan!

Unikitty: ‼️

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Twilight: You could say I’m… “Tara” strong!

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