画質 高画質

ベリアル 🐙 - Octopus パロ

(His real upper half body color actually was not dark color like this..)

54 184

Nana repost x2
This is her previous AR upper, experimenting with a tubeless magnifier and the SSBM not for mounting stabbies but for breaking windows. Testing firearm accessories is a big part of her job (40% R&D, 40% gun range instructor and 20% Opfor)

40 283

Kny! Warning spoiler
Uppermoon pas sebelum jadi iblis

Kokushibou: Orang baik yg tersakiti
Douma: emang dah kaya iblis
Akaza: Orang baru taubat yg tersakiti
Hantengu: Pembunuh hobi playing victim
Gyokko: "Seniman" Psikopat
Gyuutaro & Daki: Anak anak korban kerasnya dunia

67 783

Kny! sender perhatiin kok douma TENGIL BANGEEETT? 😭 masa pas dimarahin muzan malah cengengesan?? 😭
Kokushibo yg upper moon 1 aja masih hormat ke muzan tapi douma diomelin boss besar kok malah cengar cengir ae sih? 😭😭😭

3 42

This outfit kinda remind me that some researches said during the age of King Solomon, only upper-class were allowed to wear purple and blue clothes, for it’s hard to dye those colour…I love how it reminds me that Solomon could really be that King Solomon…💜

23 275

um, if I opened some comms again, I just wanna add this as another option

I don't have that many examples, but something like this Saya rkgk that I did a while back, still half-body to upper thigh

and it's still the same price, I hope you guys don't mind https://t.co/xRXNtZZLoW

2 21

Other ver without the upper clothing

0 12

基地航空隊の妖精さん:Upper the Jaws of Death




159 462

Today marked 5 days left for !! 5⃣🗓️

Featuring these talented vtubers today for the countdown; , & !!

Follow and support them as well!⏬


26 73

8/20 SUPPER RTS!!2023夏(夏インテ)のお品書きです

17 35

8/20 SUPPER RTS!!2023夏の新刊サンプルをpixivにアップしました!

44 150

右の青髪の子はデフォルトで上瞼が少し垂れ下がっている(upper eyelid droops)タイプですね。こちらの表情は”無表情”という表現に近いかと思います。

1 28

[Robot AU]
Rider's upperbody design. I have yet to draw a fullbody design, this is just so I can try to get ideas of what the rest of the body would look like.

3 33

I wore hanafuda earrings to the last upper moon function so he closed his nipples

0 4

well as long as they have a rising uppercut and wavedash????????

47 217

A Nexomon who is the master of underwater stealth; it almost blend in with the water, as it had the upper hand in underwater stealth because of its dark coloring. ⁠


1 4

Moonboy Chronicles - The Last Supper

48 383

Touhou : Yamabiko Mode Kyouko
Disheveled little pupper.

51 194

Clearly this one- the good puppers :') https://t.co/Gv2FarVeBz

1023 11849