My hands couldn't draw at all, but then this science twink appeared on my screen, and I was just 😳

4 15

“ok so this is just gonna be a SKETCH”
-me, already making 5 more layers to add glowy effects

on the plus side, I have my webcomic title now >:3c

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“A Day in the Life of the Frankenstein Household”
Life tip: Never ever play a game of Monopoly with Henry, you will be a n n i h i l a t e d

5 17

Haven't seen someone drew them together, but I like Victor and Elizabeth, they are cute and innocent, they deserve to spend a calm life together

3 5

More sketches n fun stuff!
One being a personal headcanon of mine, which is that Henry can play violin, and another of Victor probably analyzing something in the way that he does, idk pfft

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Also I have only one reason for giving Victor big round glasses and it’s so he can do this
Now he can be the anime mad scientist he was always meant to be!

4 11

Since i’m gonna make a Frankenstein Webcomic at some point in the future, I decided to draw out all three Frankenstein brothers! :D

6 16

nOTHHERRRRR progress shotttttt
Sorry i broke your face Victor

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For the thumbnail/cover of the I hope to make! :D

One day... (`ー´)ง

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Progress on this comic I’m making but just
Mmmmmmmmmm love drawin’ Victor
This man needs sleep
...and a haircut
And also less of an ego, but one thing at a time lol

2 12

Oh my God I finally got around to finishing this.

So here's the boy himself. Both Adam and Victor will be up at the Art Sale!

3 14

ok imma post this here - ive been listening to frankenstein: a new musical nonstop so i drew victor :^) hope u guys like it!

8 19

So honoured to be included in this show for Frankenstein's 200th Anniversary!
For inquiries contact

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