After Allura sacrifices herself, when she is with everyone. Lotor approaches her and starts to cry, then simply says "I'm so sorry..."

30 77

one thing I was stripped of from thinking of being a HUGE dog person makes me weak!

6 9

should have had their happy ending together as a couple in ;Keith and Shiro have the most deepest, closest relationship with one another during the entirety of the show.

21 72

vent art; what if keith saw the epilogue in the quantum abyss, what if he knew and still chose to die for someone who would never love him back 🙃

375 963

plot twist: Shiro already found happiness.

890 1224

whatever you do don't imagine Keith having a silent breakdown, all alone bc Shiro c a n ' t k n o w

142 334

Princess. Paladin. Protector. 🌱🌷💐

241 705

re-uploading this cuz i forgot to fix the tags and upload it again

36 147

permanent reminder of those they love but couldn't keep. that's incredibly cruel, don't you think?

113 243

I'm here to deliver shit that nobody asked for.

440 1206

This is how it should have been ;-;

191 417

i wanted to finish this yesterday, but i collapsed at 3 am and slept for 11 hours flat lmao. the sunset scene on black was requested by !! im still doing the sheith s8 scene redraws so feel free to drop a request and i might pick it up!

92 186