An excellent planning session today for our Training Day in September

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Lovely art work Y6 for their Story World AR app project today

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Really impressed with these App Icon designs created by Y6 pupils today. Such a difficult choice. Which is your favourite?

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Really impressed by the quality of UIAssets created by Y4/5 pupils today for the ‘Sofrydd Stars’ app

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Lovely first online session with Y6 today as we begin our App Development Project. The pupils designed their characters for this story telling app

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The Y5 pupils are developing content for their iOS App

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The pupils have been voting and the winning design for the Sofrydd Stars 🌟 AppStore icon has been chosen. The pupils used to create the app icon which is now added to their app Any feedback for the children?

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Love these characters created by Y4/5 pupils. These will be added to the Sofrydd Stars iOS app

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The ‘Link2Learning’ app has Healthy Huw ‘HITT’ videos plus ‘Relax with Huw’ tutorials created by pupils. A great app for challenging times

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The pupils have been developing their Data Handling 📱skills and produced digital drawings of 🏉 players. The drawings are displayed in the app available to download on the

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Look 👀 your digital drawings of 🏉 players are now on the app 📱 You can download the app here

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Can you guess this player? Created by as part of the digital project

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Diolch Y6 for an excellent day creating content for the v Leinster game. Can you guess who the players are ?

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The App Development Team have been matching the app backgrounds to the character colour scheme. Designing for real world engagement

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The App Development Team have been updating backgrounds for the YMPS Education app

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Why not try the ‘Crindau Fit’ app ?

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Excellent second group who are part of Lewis Boys Cluster training this morning. Lovely to share the App Development projects

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Supporting KS 2 today plus leading Estyn team

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