actually tbh looking at victini's ears probs helps a lot but her montrals still have this slight bend/wave at the end that makes it FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND

0 0

Apr 09, 2015. By: Adele2402
[7 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Victinie ^^'"

0 0

Oct 24, 2014. By: Victini1924
[8 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (US)
"My fav Pokémon! (And NintendoNetwork ID)"

0 0

Myself as an adorable Victini YCH from lulu_tha_uwu on Instagram! Thank you for the opportunity! You can check them out here!

16 47

Oct 30, 2014. By: Tyeforce
[2 Yeahs!] [2 replies] (US)
"Novice Course: Victini"

0 0

May 27, 2015. By: FabienneL
[67 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
"Victini for SirPhoenic , I hope you like it :D"

0 0

Jan 02, 2015. By: Gonnar2006
[7 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (EU)

0 0

for me I’d say Arcanine or Victini. Loyal and kind but can %100 beat yo ass lol

0 1

Do you like Victini?

28 131

🧡🐇🤍Vinny is not sniffing paint~ She just saying hi to you :>💛🐇💙

10 44

Victini went Bwomph

4 19

I know there’s seven Pokémon but he’s just gotta have Victini on his team

2 12

Marowak + Victini
Vigoroth + Magmar
Prinplup + Treecko
Primarina + Grimer

0 1

Honorable mention to my baby Victini

10 939

I got this super cute RoseGold from in Magearna and Victini inspired bunny suits!! I love them and their mythical bunnies ♡

1 16

Oct 24, 2014. By: Victini1924
[18 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (US)
"Do you all think this looks good?"

0 0