I would do the meme but I dont technically have Fursonas. Still,

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Jackal would sound more like a girl than a boy. And because of how childish he can be, he'd be in the higher range of voice. So the voice (both English and Japanese) of Sakura fits perfectly.

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Another meme but with my monster sona Keter. Her voice would definitely be Megan Has a aka the voice of the original Main Valentine from Yu-Gi-Oh DM

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Wyndermere is Eugene Levy with less emotion.

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A deep raspy voice like Jeff Bridges, but with a little Australian twist!

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I did this on my main but I figured I'd do it here too!

Gozer art by

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Honestly? I’d voice my own fursona. Has anyone done that yet? xD

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I think the voice of my sona would be the voice of no one that mister star lord himself.
Chris Pratt. X)

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This should have honestly been really fucking obvious given my name lmao

Nick Carter from Backstreet Boys

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Bernie would sound like Reba McEntire, most likely.

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Indrid could have mainly the deep voice of Alan Rickman.
Even tho his voice is subject to change depending on the hearer.

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