I remade a Katara and decided to go allout! Please share these with whoever you think needs them and please, please VOTE!
High res printable images, sticker sheets, & coloring pages available on my for a buck!

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I’ll need my glasses for tonight’s debate

2 11

And for THAT he claims Tax refunds?? All that guy takes is bad choices indeed...

0 1

PLAYING IT DOWN, KILLED 75,000 PEOPLE. “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away."#heknew https://t.co/3uks6FynHK

0 0

PLAYING IT DOWN, KILLED 75,000 PEOPLE. “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away."#heknew https://t.co/3uks6FynHK

0 2

Will you take off your rose colored glasses & see the truth?

Will you see Trump for the dangerous man he is?


REMEMBER he stood by & watched death unfold.

200k Human beings HE LET DIE FOR PROFIT!

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