# tsf ts
画質 高画質

내일 완성할듯..?

I think I'll finish it tomorrow..?

82 625

No pues el contexto es que Amity mato a Willow y pues Gus se encuentra con Amanda que tiene un parecido a Willow.

16 392

babu! Mumpung pada nanya, tolonggg bantu aku ngebikin party huhuu, aku ar 55 anw. Selama ini aku bikin party asal-asalan doang yg penting bisa menang ajshsuwhh. Mohon bantuannya yaa pliss... terima kasih 😔🙏🏻

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art! ada artist style buku anak yang bersedia bermutual sama aku di IG gak yaa? kalo ada drop username yah, nanti aku followw. ohya username ku ada moon nya!✨

1 7

Working on walfas related stuff lately makes me miss the times when I was still in the walfas community.

I fondly remembered the times when I got excited to see new videos from Reimu and Cirno, MiniWitch3, or WSW. It really filled my childhood with many memories...

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Got the idea from Malcolm in the Middle, I forgot which episode. It's a good show. I remember staying up late just to watch the show... Good times.

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22 150

Good Meowning! Going to be working on some FWA Badges on stream. Stream link is in the next post below.

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I can't feel anything below...

28 369

cover's done. let get the pages done by day after tommorow. There are 4 pages left. will op3n pr30rd3r after that??

3 27


Fourth game, I lose. If I lose next time, I will be the loser.

Miho: "Oh my God, I won again...! Awww..."

Maho "Miho! Calm down! Be calm!"

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My Hero Academia character I'm drawing now.

1 5

Progressing smoothly with the sketch for now. Thanks everyone for hanging out, apologize for still being mute as I'm still coughing, otsupan! 🥖✨

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It is difficult to find an example of a mood picture like the one I draw.

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展示掲載先(5/6 11:00~)


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Notice: Excuse me for this type of post but...I plan on starting Fanbox and Patreon from tomorrow at the earliest. It is pretty sudden, I know. (1/3)

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Oh right, did he just stop stuttering? Was it because of the impact from the fall or he just boost confidence somehow.. did i forgot smth?

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