Fun project for novel illustration that resulted in an interesting abstraction with a lot of intense energy. It does match the mood set by the author!

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A detail from another mid-August From one of my most memorable fishing trips to the Grand Lake Stream area of to fish for landlocked

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A cool Grandfather Mountain evening as we enter August in the High Country, watercolor, Fabriano 140#cp. Have a great weekend!

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The point in the summer when there are numerous random blooms in the garden, along with no small amount of chaos and unkept wildness.

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Eel skin vintage Chinese Horsehair size ??? and Magic Dragon Brushes are never magic but can sure be fun to experiment with!

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Having fun with some new approaches for an upcoming project with State Park, stay tuned!

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The goal for "edge transitions" soft but defined among middle ridge lines

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Detail from Anvil Rock & Cretacolor oil sticks ..many approaches to bringing in texture

8 13

Sim's Pond Spring Thaw 16"x16" now available for studio direct sale, more info

10 23