Alright so I'm gonna do two genderbeneds at a time like I did with vakama and Whenua
So the options are:
Nokama and nuju
Onewa and matau

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Kia ora koutou, my Stuff newspaper cartoon today, for This speaks of the importance of the awa (river) and whenua (land).

Thanks to my friend Ashley Te Whare for input on the whakatuaki

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I riro whenua atu, me hoki whenua mai/As land was taken, so land must be returned.

Anyone who has spent time at Ihumātao knows just how special that whenua is, and how hard mana whenua have fought to protect it, this whawhai is not just for Ihumātao but for all of Māoridom.

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As Māori, we understand all too well the anguish that comes with the desecration of our whenua and we stand in solidarity with the people of Hawai'i.

Manaaki whenua, manaaki tangata, haere whakamua.

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A phone on a stick! gadget I used today 2 share our with students from School. They got to see collected by almost 250 years ago at Mercury Bay a few kms frm their school!

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