Charles Darwin called them the "most disgusting, clumsy Lizards", evidently, he was not fond of marine iguanas

6 20

Finished this fella this evening. Enjoyed doing this one.

Watercolour on Paper
15 x 11
watercolor paints on Bockingford 535gsm (NOT) Watercolour Paper

3 14

Project Animalia 573
Galah (Eolophus roseicapilla)

Want to tell if a galah is male or female? Check the eyes, females see the world through a rosy tinted lens!

3 34

"A hare is not a pet but a person. Hares are clever and brave and loving, and they have fairy blood in them. It’s a grand thing to have a hare for a friend"
Elizabeth Goudge

Happy Wednesday x

33 178

Project Animalia 571
Giant shield bug (Tessaratomidae sp.)

Sometimes I see a picture of an insect (or if I'm luck in real life) and say, "I must paint you!"

3 38

Project Animalia 569
Halloween hermit crab (Ciliopagurus strigaus)

A crab with moxy, a dashing name, stripy legs, and a taste for green algae and cyanobacteria.

5 22

Finished the this Heron early this morning.
Photo inspiration from the amazing

Watercolour on Paper
Daniel Smith Watercolours
Bockingford 535gsm NOT Watercolour Paper

6 32