Voicy geste Dez Garnements, lez miliciens ami-ami.

En reserve de la milice gran qvantité potion svpefiante estop résorbée. Adonc compères disposent LXXII hevres por débvsqver covpable.

18 188

iN TODAYS EPISODE OF "What in the world did cherry do today?" WE HAVE AS A JOJO CHARACTER!

6 16

‘the slap’ 2022

here’s my painting of the iconic moment that will live on in pop culture history! (i absolutely couldn’t resist lol)

4 17

Pocas caricaturas de en el s/
pero 🇲🇽 y 🇨🇭 quizá deberían evitar encuentros con


0 1

''keep your fu**ing cards in your deck''. I haven't posted much these days because of the covid, but here I am with a silly meme about yugioh

1 2

噤耐以黎次次有CBA池我都有抽 但係都抽唔到 去到今日 當我對佢熱情減退 終於比我抽到 我終於有CBA而佢頭上係無寫support😭有當年復明嘅感動

趁今日呢個大好日子 即刻畫張抽水圖 歡迎各位轉載

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Will you take a bit more of drama?

0 3

"Did you ever notice how big squirrels' teeth are?"
No one better have made this joke yet

4 19