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Bad, murky, windy weather was to blame for Bjarni Herjólfsson’s navigational mishap when he sailed far off course and sighted Vinland in 986 while en route to Greenland. #WyrdWednesday 🖼️ Carl Rasmussen
❤️ Robbie Burns:
‘You saw the fields laid bare and wasted,
And weary winter coming fast, And cozy here, beneath the blast,
You thought to dwell…
But Mouse, you are not alone, In proving…
The best laid schemes of mice and men
Go often askew…’
Wulver is a Scottish werewolf that lives alone in the woods and enjoys a peaceful life fishing. It is known for helping lost travelers find their way to nearby towns and villages.
The Wulver does not shapeshift and has the head of a wolf and body of a man. #WyrdWednesday (1/2)
The Cat-Witch of Laggan, a ruthless killer, feared throughout all Badenoch.
The Cat-Witch was cruel and fearsome, and many lives were taken by her or by one of her kind, in the days of the bodysnatchers.
I like to live in the magical homes of Alexander Jansson's artworks 💚
(Lantern village & Felicias Island (winter) By Alexander Jansson), Facebook: https://t.co/WNyazpXWbL
#WyrdWednesday Lunar..well, here we have a bloke jumping from the moon by means of many cats. Will that do? (Kadath, innit?)
'...go at full moon to a place where four roads met, and hide herself to watch the fairy procession which passed at midnight. There in the midst of the music...she beheld her own dear little child.'
Edwin Hartland on a mother whose child was stolen by the fae.
In Italian lore, Jan.6th brings La Befana, aka the Christmas #Witch. On the eve of #Epiphany, children await her visit. As she flies around on her broomstick once a year, swooping down chimneys to bring children gifts, much like Santa Claus. #LegendaryWednesday #wyrdwednesday
#WyrdWednesday A Victorian superstition held that those born at midnight were more likely to be gifted at seeing or communicating with the spirit world. And especially to be born at midnight on certain days such as Christmas Day or New Year's Eve
VAMPIRE BATS attack those imprudent enough to sleep without covering in South America, 1899
Oswald Levens illustration (Mary Evans Picture Library) #WyrdWednesday
The Ghost of Christmas Present represents generosity and good will, a figure close to Father Christmas, the Holly King, cheerful with red hair & evergreen holy crown
Art: John Leech, 1843 1st Ed
➡️https://t.co/NkkKvuKAOr My version from The Muppet Christmas Carol
"…the candle in the alcove suddenly went out, and the black shadow sprang back to its place there. I did not see the candle go out; I simply turned and saw that the darkness was there, as one might start and see the unexpected presence of a stranger." ― EF Benson #WyrdWednesday
Having a bad dream? A household Boggart will sneak into your bedroom at night and squeeze your big toe!
#wyrdwednesday #cumbria
In medieval Flanders some thought that if you wanted to either gain someone's support or be feared you should wear the tongue of a frog wrapped in red cloth as an amulet. Bones should do the trick too.
🎨Sandra Yagi
From an #OldEnglish #charm to keep bees from swarming (my translation). #Valkyries by #ArthurRackham. #WyrdWednesday
More #AngloSaxon #folkmagic at the link: https://t.co/BBSAhXlG4a
In Flanders it was thought that if you went to an uninhabited house at sunset and wrote an incantation with bat's blood on the walls a horse would appear. The horse would take you to wherever you needed to be in one night.
⏳🌹⌛️"Silence and dust.
Green light and red roses.
A place quietly slipped from the grip of time, and preserved unnoticed, in an amber cottage."
#LegendaryWednesday #WyrdWednesday
#WyrdWednesday My drawing "The Green Fairy" linked to the green liquor Absinthe which green colour was enhanced originally with copper sulfate and antimony trichloride which caused toxicity and poisoning, and thus cause hallucinations (and green fairies of course)