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‘Scogan’ has been published in an X-Men comic. Gwen you’ve done it again

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Uncanny X-Men cover dated October 1979.

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I know you didn't have enough room for all the POC that are part of the X-Men family. Just want to represent Surge, a.k.a. Noriko Ashida, in your comments.

2 17

Oh, what's that you say? MY NAME on the cover of a Marvel X-Men book that will be hitting stands in a few weeks? Don't mind if I do!

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Uncanny X-Men cover dated August 1978.

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Olha que sensacionais essas artes novas dos X-Men, Alex Ross é foda demais

Saudades de quando a Marvel prestava (sempre foi inferior à DC, mas teve épocas boas hahahaha)

13 89

Practice with New X-men
& Marauder

Sofia Mantega aka Wind Dancer 🌬️💃🏻

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Uncanny X-Men cover dated October 1988.

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I'm enjoying my read through of 1960s X-men - you never know what's going to be in each issue. # 36 has this scene where the gang try to get work on a construction site but are rejected for not being union members. Three weeks before they were fighting an ancient god.

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60 days/60 X-Men costumes: Day 30

Emma Frost
1st Appearance: Astonishing X-Men Vol.3 1 (5/26/2004)

I like a lot of Emma's costumes but her Astonishing costume is my favorite due to the fact she wore it during on of my favorite periods of X-Men.

6 24

This was my favorite scene from that one-shot because it underscored that the idealized version of Jean the X-men kept talking about wasn’t real. Jean got to see herself for real and realized she wasn’t on such a different path after all. https://t.co/5TusSDVxkA

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Uncanny X-Men cover dated October 1989.

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ついでにもう一個、サウリプスさんのダムクトラスで作らせていただいた曲。軋む金属の音が特徴的ですが、これはネットの無料サンプルを使った他、X-MEN:ファイナル ディシジョンでマグニートがゴールデンゲートブリッジを持ち上げる場面の音も使いました。

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New X-Books this week!

Immoral X-Men 3!
Rogue and Gambit 2!
Wolverine('s Dad) 32!

Don't know about y'all, but I'm so damn excited for more Rasputin IV!

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This is either Ancient Chinese version of X-Men Bonebreaker or G.I Joe Sgt. Slaughter Triple-T Tank. https://t.co/Nh06AN1z2i

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