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Wait lemme remake the tweet cause I forgot MR isn't a mutant lol. Anyway what a great era for horrible women in these books

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"You are not X-23. You're MORE than a letter and a number."

Jean Grey to Laura (All New Wolverine

I LOVE their friendship!

35 185

I felt so bad for her! Only life she knew was a weapon and she just liked writing poems and wanted a friend. She’ll be missed! I’m crying

0 3

Sins of Sinister: Dominion Textless Preview

17 79

okay who asked for this to return

0 1

finally some respect on tabitha's name 😤

8 43

It looks like has some exciting, challenging, and galvanizing surprises lined up for Jean in Mutant First Strike and X-Men Green! https://t.co/2iDDnWcycw

6 66

Final thoughts on Marauders: ultimately the time paradox resolved and placed Kate and Emma right at the heart of human history, which was very cool. The betrayal of Cassandra Nova was also great. These are ultimately just great moments though. (1/4)

12 146

It’s so nice to see Storm written like this again. As much as she’s grown and changed over the years, she always chooses to fight for life.

8 29

obsessed with the rivalry between Old Storm and Old Destiny… there was shade being thrown left and right; this could have been a feud for the ages 🤭

37 316

Emma Frost and Kate Pryde have now been retconned as the progenitor gods of sentient life on Earth, responsible for the creation of Mutants and humans alike.

My two faves never cease to impress me.

27 194

The universe swirling around the cape is an incredible detail. Irene is operating on a near-cosmic level here. It’s good, but…

11 175

I'm joking. Storm is way cooler than Luke Skyman anyway.

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This issue also features Boom-Boom in a hilarious turn of events.

Tabitha is brilliant, confirmed ❤

4 31

Make sure to buy Storm and the Brotherhood of Mutants out today and see The Goddess unleash her power in what maybe her biggest feat

18 123

For Marauders Issue

Loved how the Marauders traveled back to Genosha & combined their DNA together to rebuild a land where the Mutants fell & are now reborn where they can live in paradise! Curious to see how this’ll follow up in Fall Of X!

3 11

things i never thought i’d see: an x-men/iron man crossover… but here we are!

14 141