【VOCALOID3】The vocal synth of the hour is YOHIOloid.
Voiced by Swedish singer-songwriter YOHIO, YOHIOloid is a bilingual vocaloid capable of singing both English and Japanese.

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ship of the hour: yohioloid x clara

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i did this quick doodle of neapolitan yohioloid because i still think he has the energy of a tumblr sexyman and he was cruelly robbed of that status /hj

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YOHIOloid is the new mascot of VOCALOID.

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ship of the hour: yohioloid x ia

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3 days till applications for Sweet Ann's collab are open! Yohioloid is organizing the event, it's sure to run smoothly with him in charge!

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DEATH BATTLE! Siax VS Dark Samus VS YOHIOloid VS Sideshow Bob

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why is yohioloid so good?
i say as i attach a horribly crunchy picture of him looking completely dead inside

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ship of the hour: mayu x yohioloid

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YOHIOloid and Lily get into a fight over raw meat, but the former gives up and runs away.

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ship of the hour: yohioloid x camui gackpo

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ship of the hour: luo tianyi x yohioloid

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YOHIOloid has been revealed to be the next addition to Project SEKAI.

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ship of the hour: yuezheng ling x yohioloid

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Fun Fact:
YOHIOloid is an English Vocaloid developed for the VOCALOID3 Engine by PowerFX and VocaTone. He has two voicebanks: one for English and one for Japanese. He was voiced by and based off of the Swedish singer YOHIO.

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yohioloid on the floor (he’s literally on the floor)

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