
18 57

I saw a couple pose reference on Pinterest and immediately thought of so ofc I had to draw them

Also can we all agree that Black Suit era Yesung was the hottest please and thank you

9 23

Wipe your sadness away through ham ham Hyuk🤣

0 14


14 40

Make a Wish AU
Hyukjae and his 3 Fairies
Everyone's competing for his love.
It's already causing problems for our
jewel boy.
Who will answer his wish?
A. Yesung
B. Kyuhyun
C. Donghae
D. All of the above!!!

10 45

Of course YH witches for gf 💕🔮

11 35

Yesung posted on every YeShip week, he really does know everything 🙈 From YeWon Week to YeHae Week to YeHyuk Week to YeKyu / KyuSung Week, he really posted an entry 😍

42 251

my fave ship. i hope i did yehyuk justice 🥺🥺

5 26